Delivering Facts for Action
Reliable Guidance in Times of Global Changes and Uncertainty
Message of the CDA-President
With the steadily rebalancing of global powers in the 21st century we witness a shift towards the Asia-Pacific countries in general and China in specific. In the coming decades the influence of the peoples in this world region on global policy, economics and problem-solving in general will continuously grow. This calls for a considerate approach to each other – from both sides.
After more than 70 years of hard work Europe finds itself to be a global blueprint for successful peacemaking whereas China turned out to be a global role-model for game-changing development. The efforts taken and lessons learned provide a inspiring foundation for mutual learning.
Having said that the challenges that lie ahead of us are enormous calling for a planetary patriotism.
Climate change will have a severe impact on inhabitability of whole regions – especially densely populated metropolises in coastal zones – all over the globe. A period of imbalance in global weather conditions will be followed by new regional temparature profiles on all continents with a severe impact on human living conditions. Both developments will cause amongst others huge migration flows over time – within countries and beyond borders.
The digital transformation challenges us to fundamentally rethink our societal organisation and governance structures questioning our patterns and ethics of work, our self-esteem and the contract between the generations faciliting our pension-systems which all are the basis of modern societies.
The ever growing world-population hand in hand with resource depletion urges us to earnestly transform our style of life – especially in the developed and emerging economies – to come-up with novel, sustainable individual patterns of behavior and doing business in all countries. Against this backdrop the man-made financial system as well as the legal regimes need a diligent revision to effectively serve this reorganisation of societies, economy and living conditions.
Our collective knowledge, the curiosity of our talented citizens, innovativeness and a common urge to learn together will help us to evolve our societies, our economic systems and to solve these global challenges that affect all of us. As human history tells us: existentially challenging times like these always come along with novel opportunities.
The China Data Analysis & Research Hub – CDA therefore strives to stimulate and spur exchange and long-lasting cooperations driven by evidence-based analyses. We at CDA are dedicated to providing facts and experts guidance to create a clear picture of reality - systemically and systematically. Combining the views from different worlds we help laying a solid foundation for building bridges between European and Chinese cultures, for trustful business-collaboration, stepwise evolution of governance systems and grasping opportunities together in these times of change.
Alexander G. Welzl
President of CDA