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Prof. Dr. LIU Xielin

Member of the CDA Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Xielin LIU, born on September 25, 1957, from 2006 to now, is a professor in School of Economics and Management, Director of Research Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in Beijing.

Professional Experience

Professor with University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2006-now)

Research fellow in Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Ministry of Science and Technology (1996-2006)

Professor in Tsinghua University (1985-1991,1994-1996)


PHD, 1994, Tsinghua University (1991-1994)

M.SC, Chinese Academy of Science (1982-1985)

BSc, Peking University (1978-1982)

Research focus

His research areas mainly cover innovation management and policy, innovation ecosystems, regional and national innovation systems. He has published a lot of papers in Research Policy, Technovation, Journal of Management Studies and International Journal of Technology Management, Science and Public Policy. He served as editor for Research Policy and other journals. He has published many books in English: Regional Innovation Index of China: 2017 (2018, Springer), Environmental Innovation in China (WIT, 2012) and Innovation, Technology Policy and Regional Development with Tim Turpin (Edward Elgar, 2003).



Publications (selection)


Trunina,Anna, Xielin Liu*, Network, Reputation, and VC Financing: SME in Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley, Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 2019,Vol. 25 Issue 3, pp. 113-134


Jung, Euy-Young, Xielin Liu*. The different effects of basic research in enterprises on

economic growth: Income-level quantile analysis. Science and Public Policy,2019;46(4):570-588


Gao, Yuchen, Xielin Liu*, Xuemei Ma. How do firms meet the challenge of

technological change by redesigning innovation ecosystem ? A case study of IBM. International journal of Technology Management, 2019,80(3-4):241-265.


Qiu, Shumin Xielin Liu*, Taishan Gao. Do emerging countries prefer local knowledge

or distant knowledge? Spillover effect of university collaboration on local firms. Research Policy,2017,(46):1299-1311.


Chen, C., Liu, X., Zhu, J.L., Binz, Ch., Gao, T. (2017), Internal or External Absorbing

Capability-Which is Important for Innovation: Insights from Chinese High-Tech Enterprises, Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 16, No 3C (42C), 322-344.


Liu, Xielin, Schwaag Serger S, Tagscherer U, et al. Beyond catch-up--can a new

innovation policy help China overcome the middle income trap? Science and Public Policy,2017,44:656-669.


Chen J, Xielin Liu, Hu Y. Establishing a CoPs-based innovation ecosystem to enhance

competence-the case of CGN in China. International Journal of Technology Management, 2016, 72(1-3): 144-170.


Zhang, G., Guan, J.C., Liu, X.L.The impact of small world on patent productivity in

China, Scientometrics, 2014. 98(2): 945-960


Chen, C., Liu, X., Zhu, J.L., Binz, Ch., Gao, T. (2017), Internal or External Absorbing

Capability-Which is Important for Innovation: Insights from Chinese High-Tech Enterprises, Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 16, No 3, 322-344.


Liu, Xielin, Fengshang ,Wu et al., Diffusions of Mobile Telephony in China: Drivers

and Forecasts, IEEE transactions on Engineering Management, 2012, 59(2): 299-309


Liu, Xielin, Cheng Peng, Catching-up and basic research: a case study on high-speed

rail, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business,2011,9:349-367


Liu, Xielin, Dai Hongyi et al, Drivers of integrated environmental innovation and

impact on company competitiveness: evidence from 18 Chinese firms,

International Journal of Technology and Globalization, 2011.vol.5:255 - 280


Liu, Xielin, China’s Catch-up and Innovation Model in IT industry, International

Journal of Technology Management, 2010, Vol.51:194 - 216


Liu, Xielin, Tingting Zhi, Experience of Catching up in Science and Innovation in CAS,

Science and Public Policy,2010,37 (5) :331-342


Gao, X., P Zhang, X, Liu, Competing with MNEs: developing manufacturing

capabilities or innovation capabilities, Journal of Technology Transfer, 2007,



Liu, Xielin, Steven White, Comparing innovation systems: A framework and

application to China's transitional, Research Policy, 2001,30(7): 1091-1114.


White, Steven, Xielin Liu, Transition trajectories for market structure and firm strategy in China.", Journal of Management Studies,2001,38(1):103-124.  


Liu, Xielin, Steven White, “An exploration into regional variation in innovative activity

in China.” International Journal of Technology Management,2001.21(1-2) :114-129.


White, Steven, Xielin Liu et al, A survey of Chinese technology and innovation

management literature, 1987-1997.”, International Journal of Technology Management,2001.21,(1-2):130-150.


White, Steven, Xielin Liu, Organizational processes to meet new performance criteria: Chinese pharmaceutical firms in transition, Research Policy,1998,27(4):369-383.


Liu, Xielin, Steven White, Foreign technology and domestic inputs’ relative

contributions to innovation in Chinese manufacturing industries. Technovation, 1997,17(3):119-125.



Books (selection)


Liu, Xielin and Taishang Gao and Xi Wang. Regional Innovation Index of China:2017,

Springer, Singapore. 2018.


Liu, Xielin, Hu, Yubing and Cheng Peng. Basic Research Industrial Innovation in

China. Singapore: World Scientific and Zhejiang University Press. 2018.


Liu,Xielin and David Strangway, 2012. Building an Environmentally-friendly Society:

Challenges and Choices, WIT Press.


Liu, Xielin and Nannan Lundin, Globalisation of the Biomedical Industry and the

Biomedical Innovation System of China, Sweden: SNS Farlag, 2007.


Tim Turpin and Liu Xielin, editors, Innovation, Technology policy and regional

development: evidence from China and Australia, by Edward Elgar, 2002.

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