Prof. Dr. GAO Xudong
Member of the CDA Scientific Advisory Board
Dr. Gao, Xudong is professor of the School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsinghua University;Chief Professor of the Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University;and senior research fellow and vice director of the Tsinghua University Research Center for Technological Innovation. He also serves on the Information and Telecom Economy Expert Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, People’s Republic of China. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT Sloan School of Management (2003), a M.A. from Renmin University of China (1991), and a B.E. from Harbin Institute of Technology (1988).
Professor Gao offers courses such as Technology Strategy, Managerial Thinking, Strategic Management, and High Tech Entrepreneurship.
Professor Gao’s major research interests are in technology strategy, management of technological innovation, and strategic management. He has published 18 papers in English (including one reprint) on journals such as Research Policy, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Telecommunications Policy, Research Technology Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Industry and Innovation, Journal of Technology Transfer, etc., and more than 50 journals papers in Chinese.
His book, Indigenous innovation at firms: Strategy and methods (In Chinese, 2007, the Intellectual Property Right Press), is among the first books in managing indigenous innovation in China.
1997-2003 Ph.D. in Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, U.S.A.
1988-1991 M.A. in Industrial Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
1984-1988 B.E. in Industrial Management Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Professional Experience
1991-1996 Assistant Professor (from 1993), Institute of Industrial Economics, CASS
2003- 2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, SEM
2006- Associate Professor, Vice-Chair, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2008- 2011 Director, Tsinghua SEM MBA Programs
2011- Vice Director, Tsinghua University Research Center for Technological Innovation
2013- Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
2015- Chief Professor, Schwarzman College
2018 Professor, Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Research Interests
Competitive Strategy, Technology Strategy, Management of Technological Innovation
Subjects Taught
Strategic Management, Managerial Thinking, Technology Strategy, High Tech Entrepreneurship
Professional services
2018- International Journal of Business and Systems Research (Associate Editor)
2017- IEEE Engineering Management Review (Associate Editor)
2013- China Communications (中国通讯) (Editor)
2013- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (Editor)
2013- Mobile Communications (移动通信 ) (Editor)
2011- Journal of Technology Management in China (Area Editor China)
2009- Member of the Information and Telecom Economy Expert Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, People’s Republic of China
Activities with Industries
Consultant to CNPC, Datang Mobile, Midea Group and other noted firms in China
Selected Journal Articles: English publications
Gao,P.,Gao,X.,and Liu,G.(2020). Government-Controlled Enterprises in Standardization in the Catching-Up Context: Case of TD-SCDMA in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.(forthcoming)
Gao, X. (2019). Approaching the technological innovation frontier: evidence from Chinese SOEs, Industry and Innovation, 26(1),100-120.
Lee, K., Gao, X., and Li, X. (2017). Industrial catch-up in China: a sectoral systems of innovation perspective. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10(1), 59–76.
Gao, X. (2014). A latecomer's strategy to promote a technology standard: The case of Datang and TD-SCDMA. Research Policy,43(3), 597-607
Gao, X., Gerst, M., Sun, R. 2014. Understanding MNEs' decline in the adoption of locally developed technology standard in China: A positioning and cognitive perspective. Telecommunications Policy, 38, 878–889.
Gao, X. (2014). The Rules Have Changed: A Case Study of Chinese Government Support of Local Technologies. Research-Technology Management, January-February,11-14.
Gao, X. (2013). China’s technology policy change: How effective has it been? China: An International Journal, 11(3):24-47.
Gao, X., Liu, J. (2012). Catching up through the development of technology standard: The case of TD-SCDMA in China. Telecommunications Policy, 36(7): 531-545.
Gao X. (2011). Effective Strategies to Catch Up in the Era of Globalization: Experiences of Local Chinese Telecom Equipment Firms. Research Technology Management,Jan-Feb, 42-49.
Gao X., Yu, J., Li, M.(2010).Developing effective strategies to address complex challenges: evidence from local high-tech firms in China. International Journal of Technology Management, 51(2/3/4), 319-341.
Gao, X., Zhang, P., and Liu, X. (2007).Competing with MNEs: Developing Manufacturing Capabilities or Innovation Capabilities”, Journal of Technology Transfer. 32,87-107.
Gao, X., Wu, Y., Li, M. (2010)。Managing complexity in the process of transforming new start-ups into well established firms in the Chinese economy context。Int. J. Business and Systems Research, 4 (5/6), 577-595.
Gao,X., Liu, J. Chai, H., Li, J. (2007). Overcoming “latecomer disadvantages” in small and medium-sized firms: Evidence from China, Int. J. technology and Globalization, 3(3), 364-383.
Fan, P., Gao, X., Watanabe, K. N. (2007). Technology strategies of innovative Chinese domestic companies. Int. J. technology and Globalization, 3(4), 344-363.
Selected Journal Articles: Chinese publications
高旭东,2018.中国本土企业技术创新的“共同成长”理论。《技术经济》,2018年第12期, 1-4.
高旭东,2018.不可替代的创新:大型国企创新实践的启示 。 《清华管理评论》, 第9期, 64-69页。
高旭东,打开万众创新创业的新天地, 求是杂志,2015 9期
高旭东,解析根本动因才能找到化解之道, 求是杂志,2014第1期
武亚军,高旭东,李明芳,2005。国际化背景下的中国本土企业战略: 一个理论框架与应用分析,管理世界, 第11期,101-114
高旭东,2012。国际化与中国本土企业“以弱胜强”的创新战略, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2012, 33(4), 44-53
高旭东。对建立“自主技术创新国家工程”的理论思考, 工程研究, 2009, 第1卷第2期, 125-132
高旭东, 2005。“后来者劣势”与中国企业发展新兴技术的对策,管理学报,Vol.2(3),291-294
高旭东,2005。技术创新能力培养:特定的培养顺序还是有效的R&D, 科学学与科学技术管理,第6期,64-68。
高旭东, 2006。自主创新的理论基础,创新与创业管理 (第二辑),12-29。
高旭东。中国企业创新路径图, 北大商业评论, 2006年第5期, 40-45