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CDA President as Panelist at International Conference on ‘Innovation and Intellectual Property – IIP 2024’ at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China

Hangzhou, Vienna, 29 September 2024 – With the conference proceedings available now the Center for Innovation Management and Sustainable Competitiveness at Zhejiang University in collaboration with Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis (United States), Peking University School of Management, McDonnell Academy at Washington University in St. Louis, Institute of Intellectual Property Management at Zhejiang University School of Management and School of Management at Shandong University, organised the conference on ‘Innovation and Intellectual Property – IIP 2024’. Conference venue was the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University from May 25 to 26, 2024. Zhejiang University is the place where the Western concept of innovation and innovation management was for the first time addressed in Chinese academia and transferred into the corporate world in China in the 80ies of the twentieth century. Against this backdrop CDA came to Hangzhou following an invitation by the organisers to join scholars from the leading Chinese universities, from universities in the United States and Europe as well as experts from corporations and governance to deepen understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by countries in responding to new technological revolutions and industrial transformations in the context of innovation driven global development. CDA President Alexander G. Welzl contributed to the panel on ‘IP Management and Innovation of Multinational Enterprises’ chaired by Professor Minyuan Zhao from Washington University in St. Louis (United States). He gave a brief presentation on ‘IP and Intangible Assets in MNEs – Building Blocks of 21st Century’s Regional/National Innovation Ecosystems’ and contributed to panel discussion as well as Q&A. Alex is one of only very few experts in Europe who gained experiences in practice and held professional positions in all segments that build National Innovation (Eco)Systems (NIS) – from research and university teaching to start-ups, venture management and multilateral enterprises, financial industry, federal public administration as well as standard setting.

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